7 6

Clueless ??

RobertMartin 8 Nov 28
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I HOPE it's a joke, lol


Little Mr. Ed Jr.


Stop horsing around....



Hey with a bit of luck you'll give birth to the first ever Centaur.

davers Level 7 Nov 28, 2018

Gotta be a joke. I've never met anyone anywhere close to as stupid as that.

You are indeed fortunate.

@glennlab I try not to think that humans are all dumb. I had an old room mates girl (20) that didn't know how to cook a frozen pizza. She asked him how to cook it. He told her to read the back. After a while, smelled burnt pizza. He yelled at her. She said she didn't know you needed to check on it. Serious.

@TheGreatShadow I don't think all humans are dumb, but the shallow end of the intelligence pool can give you great pause. I had to deal with lots of them in my old profession. My favorite expression at work was if they figure out if they are married or not, I never have to worry about them being able to do their own taxes.

@glennlab I've talked to my fair share of "winners" doing customer service. This is beyond belief. Lots of things like this are faked. But, I don't really rule it out. If it is true, HHS, and animal services will be involved. Oh, the police as well.

@TheGreatShadow I never worry about whether the meme's are true are not, but as for as animal services, HHS, depends on the state


Well at least she should have an easy delivery.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 28, 2018

She is too stupid to be allowed around children, or horses.

KKGator Level 9 Nov 28, 2018
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