I love the look on the demonstrators face
I know right.. like she is really excited about doing THAT demo.
@mistymoon77 lol like she's thinking there has to be something better!
I am not judging, I only wonder why women use so much TP? Honestly, trees are at stake here and you use TP like rivers run water. WTF???
Just anatomy. Drip dry is best for the environment but if a lady doesn't dry off down there she will be smelly and possibly get an infection.
My x husband never realized until we were married women need to wipe every time instead of dust after a bowel movement. Wierd Iv posted about that twice this week, guess I fixate on wierd shit sometimes...
Seriously though, we can't just shake it off like men, and there's lots of stuff gets wet when we pee.
@MsAl I am aware of the anatomy issues and the necessity to wipe. My question is why do women, generally, use more tp to wipe than men? I hav seen them wrap it around their hand several times to wipe their cooch after peeing. Why not a few squares? It isn't like mopping up a major flood zone, there are only a few random drips.
@zorialoki I'm a CNA. I wipe people for a living. For pee it's an anatomy thing ?. For women there is an area to dry for men it's just the "drip on the tip". I've cared for depression era women who only would let me use a few squares to wipe them and it is very much not enough to dry the area.
I think the wrapping the whole roll around ones hand thing applies to individuals of both sexes though. It's annoying and wasteful, also not the best technique for maximum absorption. Mabey they are afraid of getting something on their hands. I have always been annoyed by people who act like body functions are cooties. This probably does apply more to women because we are supposed to always be clean and whatever.
@zorialoki My ex would wrap half a roll of TP around his hand . I pointed out to him , that he isn't using the half on the back of his hand , that part's just flushing money down the commode , and even then , he only needs 4 or 5 squares . His comment - what if my hand gets wet ? I asked him if he washed his hands after every use .
89.95? The fuck?
I noticed that too, plus the gloves and hairnet, that is going to be some demo
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
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Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.