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Stairway to Heaven?

EricTrommater 9 Feb 12
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Actually I was going to say... did he tried at that point to stand up? Based on the "unknown fact" that the stairway to heaven is not part of our plane but a portal... what makes him think he can not just stand up and climb the stairs? I meant... given the circumstances, at that point... that is what I will do. But this is just me being me. Never been in the "chair". I really appreciate the image because in one of the stories in my head... there are a group of individuals with "near death experience" grouped together in a floor that don't exist on a building under repairs... to be giving the option of returning back to life as agents/angels to do "simply good" or move to the other side. and it include a man in a wheel chair... but only in that floor he can still walk... so no matter how often he send the chair down the elevator, the chair appears next to the elevator. Anyways the two people that choose to move on when they get on the elevator to leave why the others stay... the elevator malfunctioned and crashes at the bottom. Just a story... main character ended up caring for his father that he never met before and the story move along as each of those agents more than angels find happiness and purpose in life out of that elevator ride to a floor that never existed.


They say it's a stairway, but in cartoons they always show it as an escalator...Hell, on the other hand, is always depicted as having an elevator [or a slide, in 'Futurama']

twitch Level 7 Feb 12, 2018

and Highway to Hell !

evergreen Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

I think this is where faith healing comes into play… for a small donation, of course.

resserts Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

I hate stairs....

DUCHESSA Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

I will never have to worry about that, but:
There's a lady I know....

JimG Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

Led Zeppelin would never approve.


You could walk on up, if you just believe hard enough, slacker.

KKGator Level 9 Feb 12, 2018



Lol. God forgot to put in an elevator.

noworry28 Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

Oh shit LMAO.... hahaahhaahahhahaahahahaha

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