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For some last minute gift ideas.

glennlab 10 Dec 17
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Jokes on you, they get the tax credit!

Lol... But getting the rise out of them would be worth its weight in gold.

@KingofHarts Most don't have enough to itemize, and I really don't care, plus most are too cheap to find an accountant that will know to ask that question. And I still get to hear them try to figure out who did such a despicable thing. Totally worth it.

@glennlab Probably so. But if you are a business owner, you tend to keep recipts. I once itemized $0.70 for bolts for equipment repair!

@TheGreatShadow The accountant in me is going to correct you, you expensed an item for income, charitable deductions can only be taken on schedule A from income. I expense every penny of items from my business income every year, but I have not been able to itemize since 2003 when I paid off my house.

@glennlab I file a Schedue C and a Schedule F.

@TheGreatShadow I sold my farm almost 20 years ago, so i no longer do an F, but I still have 2- Cs, to mess with. Thankfully 90% of my income is now non taxable so I don't sweat it as much.

@glennlab I wouldn't have sold. You can always get someone to cash rent. Still file a F.


What a great way of giving back.. LOVE IT!


LOL. Here is how to do it: []


Great idea.

Mokvon Level 8 Dec 17, 2018

done it several times, works great.


Wonderful! They'll get mail & phone calls forever!

MojoDave Level 9 Dec 17, 2018

Woohoo... I'll donate one dollar for every pro dummy on site lol


I like that !!!???

Pralina1 Level 9 Dec 17, 2018

I've done it for some of my relatives (they're Catholics) but anonymously, so they won't know who to be pissed at.


This is great!

Allikat Level 6 Dec 17, 2018
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