Spooning? Really guys? Who here thinks we don’t know what we are doing? Or am I the only woman that always does that On Purpose!
@Captnron59 oh good! I can stir my coffee this morning! Lol
He was no dragon. He was a punk-ass bitch and got what he deserved.
Not having seen any GOT I'm happily oblivious to that reference!
@phxbillcee Enjoy!!!
@KKGator That was...intense! Looking forward to when it comes to Netflix!
@phxbillcee It's on HBO. It isn't likely to go to Netflix.
@KKGator Some things do. I just don't watch TV, tho. I like to watch what I watch on my schedule, & don't want the hassle of a DVR. So, some things I don't see. I catch Real Time on YT, I can even stream it live there, if I'm in the mood, or catch snips after.
@phxbillcee You can watch HBO on demand, whenever you want.
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