6 14

I usually don't post so soon, but I am on a mission. "Somebody" keeps stealing my "Intermissions...". I usually post one between posting 4 or 5 memes, & they are always fetching, but tame. When they are "stolen", I post more, I am a stubborn cuss & I'm on here a LOT! Most of them were "stolen". So, I will now post a meme, post an Intermission, back & forth, for the duration of my meme posts. I'll make the suckers work for their prudishness!

phxbillcee 10 Dec 27
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Hy larious

Anonbene Level 8 Dec 28, 2018

Warp Factor 10 Luke


Seems I'm going backward... This explains the exorbitant number of "intermissions"

scurry Level 9 Dec 28, 2018

Yep! As I said, this was a protest reaction. Things will be back to "regular programming" soon!


Very (very) funny!!

MojoDave Level 9 Dec 27, 2018

How do posts get "stolen"??
No bullshit. I'm seriously not understanding this.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 27, 2018

They disappear with no reason & no comment. Just gone. & they showed no "nips" or frontal nudity or acts.

@phxbillcee Thank you for the explanation.

@phxbillcee. Can anyone make a photo "disappear", or just the super techie?

@dartagnan6666 I think anyone can complain to admin for any reason & get one pulled. Or there is a Site police "manned" by retired nuns scouring the Groups. But only admin or sitesupport can actually pull one. Not even Hosts can in their own Groups.

@phxbillcee. Why isn't it more transparent just how the mechanism works?

@dartagnan6666 The Site works in mysterious ways! LOL!


Without giving the perpetrator more power than they deserve, these two memes are funny! LOL

Livinlife Level 9 Dec 27, 2018
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