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phxbillcee 10 Dec 27
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Wow. She is gorgeous

I think I stole her from @Cutiebeauty's Group, & probably some of the others. I only post the "tame" ones here, & yet they keep "disappearing"!

@phxbillcee gee, I wonder why they would be removed from a “meme” group....

@Science-guy Sarcasm noted, but ignored. The Group is not removing them, admin or his retired nuns are. I am fighting back. I usually post one "Intermission..." in a group of 8-10 memes. When they get "removed", I double down. If it happens again, I choose the "Nuclear" option!

@phxbillcee And all the women and other members get taken along for the ride? How about trying direct communication with her.

I'm guessing you have a current group member (and frankly it isn't me) who is reporting the content because they are in no way memes - they don't feel they can confront you - or block you. You've made that clear.

Is that fair in any way?

@RavenCT this “tantrum” (and yes @phxbillcee it is a tantrum) is one of the reasons that people leave Groups or altogether. The “nuclear option” never works and only causes harm to innocent bystanders.

@Science-guy That's why I'm saying this in public. I keep following other members in here.

I get the whole First Amendment argument however this is not a Nudes group. So I'm unsure why the heck there are nudes in it?

I imagine the group members who aren't happy with it know they can't tell Bill directly and go around him directly to the "report button". That he's responding by posting more is just going to drive them right out of the group.

Maybe a discussion would be better here?

Have a poll or something and see how the members of the actual group feel. Just a thought.
It's probably worth a discussion.

@RavenCT, @Science-guy Until I did this I had maybe one person speak-up against my Intermissions, & they are seldom "Nudes", no nips, etc, I keep them tame. I usually do one Intermission mixed in with 10 memes. Anyone can comment or PM me. I am not an ogre. You've talked to me on numerous subjects that we've disagreed on, Raven. Have I bitten your head off? So that is bull! I won't even mention how seldom you visit this group, & it isn't because of this! & how are "innocent bystanders" harmed? One can see it's a lady in the Recent Photo area, pass on by! & how can seeing a lady, most of them clothed be harming anyone? Call it a tantrum if you like. It may be in a way. I had an innocent photo removed arbitrarily & I reacted, slightly. It happened again, I reacted stronger. I fight back, I'm not a sheeple.

@phxbillcee Well if the general members of the group reacted this way to being corrected over something - you'd have a heck of a mess.

As I said followed someone else in. and I was all "What the hey is happening here?". Cause this is not the group normal.

I have no idea why the posts got removed.

I suggested you talk to your members about whether this stuff offends them. I presume it does as they've got to be the ones reporting it.
That is why stuff gets pulled.

This is not FB with a team who reviews stuff.
There is way too much content for that. And no one is getting paid.

So even if you don't want to see it that way - it's a Group Problem.

You might want to talk to the group about it instead of adding more of the same content to the group. Obviously someone has a problem with it. (And hells bells I'm not the one doing it - it has to be someone here all the time).

So you're rubbing the same content they really hate in their face - over and over again. And they're going over your head because apparently they know this is how you'll react.

So yes you can continue a shit-posting spree - or you know - you could ask the members about it with a poll maybe - as those are anonymous enough.

But that is entirely up to all of you to decide.

@phxbillcee Also remember Bill you are doing this in a group where they can not block the mod.. That is really unfair.

@RavenCT I appreciate your input. We strive to give all our customers, no matter how seldom they visit, an enjoyable experience. Be assured your concerns are being forwarded to the proper authorities for the appropriate action. Thank you for visiting "Memes R Us".

@Captnron59 yes Ron well aware of your don't give a f if you offend people attitude.
What if it were male nudes?

@Captnron59 Offended? No. Concerned.

No idea what the paranoia of 'us versus them' is about.

If shit is getting reported to the site it's your own group doing it. Which means someone really doesn't enjoy this. And no one is willing to ask.

It is a meme group. Not sure when "sex sells" became the motto?

Not even my group - just had some hope for return to normal after someone's exited a few days ago. My mistake.

I can't imagine the ladies in the group enjoy this much - but they sure have hung in there.

@phxbillcee it's got nothing to do with me lol
Steal any photo you want... I've no idea why a pic like this would be taken down...

@Cutiebeauty Prudes & busybodies.

@phxbillcee But it's your prudes and busybodies. Be aware of that. And folks in marginalized groups who may be legitimately offended.
It is way to easy to discredit that from a position of being a male in this society.

@RavenCT This is a bit crude & direct, but, so be it...& I'm directing this in general, not at you specifically.

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