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If Men Could Get Pregnant Abortion Clinics Would Be Like Starbucks......

sassygirl3869 9 Jan 1
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Sad but probably true

Livinlife Level 9 Jan 1, 2019

Other potential flavors for men might include cheese burger, Heineken, BBQ, french fries, and single malt scotch for the purists! ?

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 1, 2019

Males have pregnancy. Human males can. A science teacher told us a human male can have a fetus grow in his colon.


That's where Trump Followers comes from

@bookofmoron I assume you mean colon, not wiki. lol

Nonsense lol

@Cutiebeauty The guy actually co-wrote a science book we used in class...

@TheGreatShadow lol so...

There are also 'science teachers' that will tell you the bible is literally true. But they don't know science from their rear end! ☹

@MojoDave This guy also told us to "finger the teacher". School board made him stop after I was out of HS.

Sounds like a real pain in the ass

There have been cases where fetuses develop outside of the uterus. One woman underwent a hysterectomy. Apparently she was pregnant at the time, and the fertilized egg attached itself to her bowel and created its own placenta and began growing. The female body does not control pregnancy. Pregnancy controls the female body.


Luckily they can't ?

Less population is a probability! Lol

@MichelleGar1 yeah Right... Men can't do that lol

@Cutiebeauty No, they couldn't! Lol

@MichelleGar1 you Saw the comment above. ... Giving birth through a man's ass lol so stupid l

@Cutiebeauty the only thing that is given a birth through a man's ass or any ass for that matter are brown and smelly things! Lol


So true! Lol

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