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EricTrommater 9 Feb 18
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Not all squirrels. Several years back while camping on a lake along the Saskatchewan/Alberta border I encountered the most Un-squirrel, squirrel in existence. It began with the discovery of chicken and other bones in the crutch of a tree branch then another and another cache of bones. I thought little of it, thinking it was the handy work of one of the Jay family of birds, maybe a magpie or whiskey jack. One cache caught my eye because it had bits of reflective material it, so I climbed up the tree and knock it down. It was nothing just a few pieces of foil. I turned and was about to continue my walk in the woods when heard something through the tree, rather loudly I might add.
Suddenly on the branch I had knocked the cache from stood an angry squirrel. How you ask did I know it was angry you ask: it was growling instead of chattering. It run out onto the branches above debarring its teeth, growling and gnashing and it kept this up until I left its woods and got back onto the road.
Apparently there was at least one squirrel that did not wish to conform to your rule and woke up one morning wanting to be something else.


Squirrel is just trying to find Moose

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 18, 2018

I'd try Frostbite Falls


& they call it "Groundhog Day"!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 18, 2018

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