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My turn for intermission

mistymoon77 9 Jan 7
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So I must shave my pecks to be ogled for my massive chest powers ? I still bench press most women's weight. ..just park your butt on one hand and your shoulder blades on my other giant hand when I am laid on your bed and I can do 20 reps without a sweat




Nice choice ?



Kojaksmom Level 8 Jan 7, 2019


Livinlife Level 9 Jan 7, 2019

So far, I'd say you know how to pick em.


DAMN!!!! Lol

I know.. I couldn't resist.. had this in my collection for awhile.. had to share.

@mistymoon77 Thanks!

@MichelleGar1 boy needs a hair cut or a perm. ..real men comb or wear a top hat

@GreenAtheist Real men have a penis and know how to use it, doesn't matter how long their hair is or if they are bald!

@MichelleGar1 I prefer to be used by wise women any way they request me ...I am only talking down to oglers of any gender. ...sure Fabio is eye candy to many but put up a centerfold of Playboy in the workplace and that is prima facie evidence of a "hostile workplace"....I have not heard of such a case of beefcake male nudes posted anywhere investigated

@Closeted Me too!!!! ❤️

@Closeted I love long hair on men or completely bald!

@Closeted Awww that's so sweet! That's true about our Father's, they are our first loves! My Dad has a full head of hair, I still give him haircuts every 2 weeks! I grew up in the 70's and long hair on men was the fashion and I always thought that it was HOT! Lol

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