4 10

This is a sad one.

altschmerz 9 Jan 9
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It's a reality check for some and unfortunately the truth.


That's so much nonsense... 😟


I don't know what's worse: the religious fools, who think their "faith" will cure a prolapsed intestine, or the anti-science, anti-"big pharma" anti-vaxxers, who think an hours worth of internet surfing makes them the equal of an eight-year educated, 4-year-interned doctor. Either way, they are both a danger to not just their children, but everyone's children!

Good for the gene pool though. Natural selection at work.

@Closeted Forgot about that aspect. A few anti-vaxxers getting sued for spreading disease would be good. However, pretty difficult to prove they were the source of infection.


It is sad, but twistedly funny. You have to laugh at morons to keep yourself from strangling them!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 9, 2019

Exactly! Lol

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