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Good morning memers...Coffee and memes to start my day.

EricTrommater 9 Feb 20
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I appreciate the humor but I don't drink coffee, never have.

BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 20, 2018


@phxbillcee, ok..... I use to get my caffeine in my Diet Coke, which I drank for probably 45 years. You would never see me without a Diet Coke in my hand. I think I got my lifetime of caffeine quota filled, maybe a couple times over. I gave up all sodas about 4 years ago. Only drink water and unsweet tea now.

@BeeHappy Never been able to drink "diet" sodas, or consume much that has "fake" sugar in it. Always got a very metallic type of taste with a very bitter after-taste, & quite often an immediate headache! So, no beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages? ("Don't drink, don't smoke, what do ya' do?" - Adam Ant)

@phxbillcee, If I'm out or with family/friends sometimes I'll have a beer, not big on wine or hard liquor.

Obviously I drank the diet sodas because they were less calories and of course we now know the substitute sweeteners were probably worse for us than the extra calories. But I got use to the taste and after several years could not stomach non-diet drinks, too syrupy/sweet.

@BeeHappy I actually think that most sodas, or teas, etc, would do even better with at least half the sweetener they actually use, or even less!


anxious, but faster & feeling much better (need my morning coffee!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 20, 2018

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