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Sweet dreams are made of cheese...

BeeHappy 9 Feb 20
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Nena Level 6 Feb 20, 2018

"Hold me closer Tony Danza" - Elton John most misheard song lyrics ever.... (Hold me closer Tiny Dancer).

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 20, 2018

Well, knowing what we do about Elton John, that may very well have been the correct lyric!


There's a bathroom on the right!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 20, 2018

For more fun misheard lyrics....


BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 20, 2018

What really gets me about the songs/lyrics listed on that site is that the "misheard" lyrics are the title of the song! I've made my share of mistakes in the past, as I sang in a number of bands back when, when you had to keep re-cueing the record needle to the desired spot & hope to decipher over the scream of guitars, but I could usually guess if it was the dang title!


Wrapped up like a douche another gunner in the night.

I think that one threw everybody off, whether Bruce's original or the Manfred Mann re-make!

@phxbillcee Springsteen's lyric "cut loose like a duce..." sounded too much like pooping to Manfred Mann.

@EricTrommater That's 'cause Manfred never listened to the Beach Boys!

@phxbillcee little duce coupe could have saved us so much trouble.

@EricTrommater I knew you'd get that reference!

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