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Brrr...5th day in a row the heat is on! I want my mommy! I have to wear socks with my sandals! Uggghh!


Robecology 9 Jan 22
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I'm only allowed to complain about the cold if the temperature is less than my age. Another 20 years, and I'll be bitching every damn day, even in Hawaii!

Ludo Level 7 Jan 22, 2019

I discovered Hawaii too late. I had no idea they need mainland teachers and offer decent salaries and not that outrageous COL....but love to visit the Isles. I don’t think they’re ever less than 60º.


Wool, down and a snuggle buddy helps make it better.

beenthere Level 7 Jan 22, 2019

For me below 60 = too cold. Above 70 = too hot. I got frost bite when I was young, and heat stroke when I was in my 20's. Cold out and my body automatically tries to shut off blood flow to my arms and legs. If it's 90 degrees out, I can do nothing but stand out side and breath, and within 5 minutes I will sweat very bad.


I am South of you...long sleeves and pants! How awful! A good exercise day, though!


So true

AlexRam Level 7 Jan 22, 2019

Big baby lol

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