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Every nurse has these friends

Boxdoc 7 Jan 23
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Oh man , that's true for the floor nurses and can u blame them ?????
At ER that's not an option most of the times . Narcan is most likely and when the crazy or the mean arrive u still have to stand there and take the heat / punch until determine if sick or crazy ?
Exception : Etoh folks who are about to loose their S$&?@ and bite your head off . Or punch u . Or spit on u . Or kick u . Even those , if they had fallen prior and any head trauma , can't sedate for nothing for awhile . I am the " awhile ". F my life !!!! ???its all good .
Everyone has a story and a sad reason behind . We all try to just " make it ".

Pralina1 Level 9 Jan 23, 2019

I've worked the ER. It is the most challenging, saddest and sometimes the funniest place to work

@Boxdoc u r soo right . I won't have it any other ways ???♥️♥️♥️


@Pralina1, &...what say you?

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 23, 2019

&, @RavenCT, what do you think?

I say , time for a shower and a drive and go back in and let the games begin ? One night at the time ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️????????????????????????

@phxbillcee I say we used a ton of Lorazepam back in the day - and now I'd advocate for Weed. Some folks just need it. If I'd had any clue that there were varieties that chilled people out so well? Oh boy.
And we thought weed was so damn evil back in the day?

No it was the possibility of addiction to harder drugs with folks who already hallucinated that was the real problem. Heroin plus hallucinations really sucked to deal with.
I'll never forget being called a "Handmaiden of Satan". 😉

@RavenCT are u a nurse ?? I had no idea ! In what type of setting u used Ativan ? At ER we only give that if severe breathing issues and CIWA scale > 10 and if seizures . Floor nurses and nursing homes utilize Ativan still .

@Pralina1 No I worked in Mental Health back in the days when we "sort of " dispensed meds. So nurses/doctors sometimes have mistaken me for a nurse. Had a ton of training around meds. back in the day. Did a lot of Psych stuff. And I have the language down pat.

What we actually did is Medication training with patients at high risk - along with loads of therapy - so that hopefully when we sent them home they took meds correctly. And were way better off. (We also picked up on med mix ups between different prescribing Drs etc.). Which definitely helped out. Long before computers might be doing that.
We were a program in between a Hospital Stay and outpatient therapy.

I still think that it's a great idea and I hope someday that there are more of those again. And way better run. The financing through insurance for such mental health programs has gotten worse and worse over the past few decades. I've seen that everywhere.

We also had a Mobile Psych Team. Now that was hairy. And fun.
I'll never regret those years. 😀

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