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Just so all of you know, a Member not only had his Post removed but he was removed from the Site, it was the "Child Shooting" meme, & I wish I was here when it was Posted to jump in. Tho dank, it should have been an opening for discussion, not knee-jerk condemnation...I think many of you are hypocrites & I wish you would leave this Group! TheGreatShadow, in his ultimate wisdom reported it. Good for him. He is now no longer a part of this Group. I fervently hope that all the rest of you arbiters of truth & justice will leave on your own! If & when I catch someone here going straight to the "Man", never a discussion, never contacting either of the Mods, I will Block you from the Group, too! I really hope this is clear! This is NOT Salem & we will have no witch trials on my watch!

phxbillcee 10 Jan 25
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looking back, i found it, and find it insensitive. i may have reported it

So it was insensitive. So? Pass it by or Comment on it. Why be the Thought/Morality Police? Honestly, this is a legit question. Why does one feel the need to Report just because something is "insensitive" or "offensive" to them? I'm not talking about real violations, porn, scams, etc., I'm talking about a different or differing perspective. Why do we have to go to Mommy rather than discuss the issue? I just don't get it.

@phxbillcee i would have passed it over. i'm just saying i understand why he flagged it, and don't think he should be at fault for that

@coralisthree I had stated a number of times that snitches get kicked out. He felt he wanted to be an anonymous hero, (or, anonymous until he got all the back-slapping "attaboys" in the "Troll..." Group!). He made his choice, I made my decision. I will do so again if warranted, but that pansy will never be allowed back!

@coralisthree Just like the poor guy he reported is gone from the whole Site! THAT'S where my sympathy lies!

@phxbillcee i don't run the page, so it's not up to me. that's it.


i didn't see the meme, so i can't really comment on whether it was offensive or not, but if @Admin thought the meme was offensive enough to warrant banning him from the site, i don't understand why TheGreatShadow should be banned. he didn't kick the guy out


Some of how I think about someone being "offended".

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 26, 2019

Was the person removed from for good?? Or were they put on a time out? Damn...I saw the meme. I wouldn't of posted it but.. I'm more offended by politicans taking big money from the NRA than a meme....Assault rifles and bump stocks can kill me but memes will never hurt me... It was rough and dark humor but I don't think it was condoning or advocating school shootings (IMHO). I hope I never get permanently removed from for one post

Rudy1962 Level 9 Jan 26, 2019

Permanently gone, to the best of my knowledge. & seeing all the celebration over this in the "Trolls, Scammers..." Group & the self-congratulatory back-slapping raised my hackles...& gorge...& ire!


While I never saw the meme and post you are referring to, what you are saying is a little upsetting and I would like clarification. I would expect that if I report an offensive post, that Admin would review and make their own informed decision to boot or not boot a person or just delete the post. Should I be concerned that I could be banned just for reporting a post/person? (I realize there are people that clearly enjoy stirring up trouble and perhaps they should be booted for repeated reports, but you don’t seem to be referencing a situation like that.)

See, that is the report an "offensive" post. Offensive to whom? On what grounds? & we get someone kicked off the Site because of "offense"! I stated my position clearly.


I actually agree with you on this. We must discuss issues and not just condemn something because of our prejudices and bias. Anything that makes us think despite the controversial nature of the topic is good. I do not in any way condone harm to anyone, let alone children, but it is a part of life whether we like it or not! these things occur therefore we MUST talk and not just condemn out of hand.

davers Level 7 Jan 26, 2019

THAT is exactly my point! I don't have any problem with either the disagreements or even "disgust" with the meme. It was the offhand "offense" without thought or discussion, & then the reporting of the meme & Member to get him kicked off the Site that I found really disgusting!


The member that was removed broke site rules - the actual ToS of the site - actually suggesting harm to minors.

The other member made a decision as an individual to report it.

As there are no Group rules that can supercede the site rules of being able to report posts. I call BS. Removing a member for doing what their conscience tells them to do is in no way a fair outcome.
And it's punitive.

I tagged that post to both the mods. (Who lets face it can't always be here) and to Admin and SiteSupport as it was upsetting every single member who came in.

Plus the threat part. That never goes un-noticed. There were so many members who had already been here. To accuse one and single them out for punishment for doing what was right? Who is having witch trials here?

RavenCT Level 9 Jan 25, 2019

Bull! He never suggested that actual harm to minors be done, he Posted a meme that showed one who had. I have already, in a number of previous Post & Comments, let everyone know the consequences of this type of crap! I didn't get your PM til after, but I still would have not asked for it to be pulled, I totally disagree with your stance on this. I love you, dear. But, if I catch you being the reporter, you will be Blocked, too! Keep to your own tame meme Group, maybe. I know that all too often you can't handle dank. Fine, scroll by or Comment, but report & you are gone! don't like it? Oh, well!

So, some Members were getting upset...that's supposed to happen! &, since you just admitted to snitching, too, you also are now Blocked from "Memes R Us".

Now, make a big stink of it! I know you will!


How do you know this and how does this happen? Who are the delete gods?

beenthere Level 7 Jan 25, 2019

There was a whole discussion, with me as the only dissenting voice, in the "Trolls..." Group. TheGreatShadow admitted he reported the meme & was proud of it! I nearly puked! The actual "delete gods" end up being Admin, but in reality are just about anybody who reports & cries. Posts are pulled with NO discussion, NO reason & NO explanation given. I am determined to root out any & all of the worms in this Group! It has now, more than ever become my Mission!

@phxbillcee You go get em bro! Craigslist does the same thing and I hate it. I guess you can't really blame admin though. It is a community. But it would be nice if that kind of thing was more open. If you're really proud or unashamed of what you did, why should the reason and the person be hidden to the rest of the group.


Thank you!

I have been consistent on my view about self-appointed censors, it hasn't changed. Snitches may not get stitches, but they will get booted!

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