I call BS. I am a human that gives me a say. Murder for convenience is just wrong
@Boxdoc Good! You can carry it! Of course, it will be funny watching you breast-feed! (&, so you know, delivery will be HELL!)
@phxbillcee That would be funny wouldn't it. Lots of good people just waiting to adopt a child. My first wife and I did.
I find Murder for Convenience morally repugnant. I see NY state now allows it up to the moment of actual delivery. What's next? A three month trial period. If you change your mind you can have your child executed?
@Boxdoc You misrepresent the NY law & make absurd projections. & how does adoption give the woman back her body? Never mind. I won't get into this with you, it's a serious touchy subject at best when both sides are being honest.
@Boxdoc I have never met a woman that had an abortion call it “convenient “
@phxbillcee Read the law it is quite clear
@phxbillcee, @SpawnofSagan Of course a woman would never use that word, but that is what it is. Pregnancy and Children are inconvenient. Abortion avoids it.
@SpawnofSagan, @phxbillcee Yes this is a very touchy subject. and I appreciate you both taking the time to have a civil discussion about it.
We may disagree, but we don't have to be enemies over it.
@Boxdoc regardless of how or when the abortion takes place, it is still a traumatic experience for the women. It’s never an easy decision. Making birth control more easily accessible is a great way to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Even in wanted pregnancies things can go horribly wrong and come with choices that aren’t easy to make.
@SpawnofSagan It is traumatic for everyone involved. Not sure I understand your comment about birth control accessibility. There are very few restrictions on getting BC.
@Boxdoc cost and not all insurance companies cover it. Girls under 18 need parents permission to get any. Women have to jump through many hoops to get birth control when guys can just buy condoms
@SpawnofSagan I worked as a Physician Assistant in Family Practice here in Michigan from 1987 State law allows female minors age 16 and over to get BC pills without parental permission or notification.
Yes guys should buy condoms. That is an issue for the relationship. No Wrapper, No Snapper
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