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Remember that time?

Captnron59 9 Feb 4
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I used to have a roster named Nasty that would terrorize my daughter. I believe she is a stronger person for the experience.

Ludo Level 7 Feb 4, 2019

I have, a few times.. and it DOES show. End result... nightmares.


I don't want to talk about it.

Mokvon Level 8 Feb 4, 2019

Awww, come on. Get it off your chest... you'll feel better. 😉


No but I was chased by a farmer once

Rudy1962 Level 9 Feb 4, 2019

I get attacked by the mockingbirds when picking blueberries in my yard every year. They don't understand the concept of sharing.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 4, 2019

My daughter is afraid of cows because one got loose and ran through our yard when she was kicking a soccer ball around with me and her sister. She was 5-years-old at the time and I told her to run into the house, but the cow was faster than I thought and ran by fairly close to her (I still remember how big her eyes got as the cow came near). Anyway, a couple weeks later her sister asked if she wanted to play some soccer, and she said "OK, but there better not be any cows out there".


I got goosed once.

Very similar!


chicken, geese and my uncle's evil dog that is dead now. i hated that dog


When I was like 5 or so we had this rooster that terrorized me and my sister. We had to go in the chicken coop to get eggs and it attacked us every freaking time.


Yeah.. OK lol


Hmm... I’m from New York City. I was chased by gangs of kids that wanted to beat me up. I wonder if that experience developed similar attributes? Maybe being streetsmart and farm smart aren’t so different?

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