7 18

That's how they get ya...

EricTrommater 9 Feb 12
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The bastards.

Mokvon Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

Morning time is the best time... All you nightowls are asleep ?

Yep, the lazy bastards! Lol! Of which I'm one 50% of the time. It sucks having dual identities.


The night time is the right time. In the daytime I look like the Crypt Keeper. At night, l'm a solid five and a half or six.

Sticks48 Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

Lol don't be so hard on yourself, I bet you could push 7... easy... in candlelight. ?
(Disclaimer: this comment was said in keeping with the tone and humor of the post and in no way reflects reality.) ?

@BeeHappy No disclaimer needed. ☺

@Sticks48 I sometimes worry that my intent isn't clear. Don't know you well enough to know if that would have offended you. I didn't think it would but had that inkling of doubt. Lol Glad to see you're good with it. ?


Give em some ludes, that will mellow em out.


That's a good question.

Cabsmom Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

i have no idea how people work on day time or how they get things done when working days . How they get apntm scheduled ? ? I become alive after the sun sets . ??????

Pralina1 Level 9 Feb 12, 2019

Fucking farmers, man.
People would have been content to sleep until they woke up.
The farmers had to be up at dawn's ass crack to do shit.
Then the ass-kissers just HAD to follow suit.

KKGator Level 9 Feb 12, 2019

I'm not gonna put down the farmers. I sure don't wanna do that work, but I do want to eat! Hell, I'll even stop making fun of their dating site if I have to!

@phxbillcee I was just joking. I have tons of respect for farmers.

@KKGator Pulling your leg, KK, & it came off in my hands!

@KKGator Now, the question is, what am I to do with it???

In Italy and Greece , pretty much nothing opens or running b4 0900. Schools and federal services included . Ain't happening . Every body gets cofffe and chill x . Private industry of course they can start life at 0830, but u won't see people shopping or working ?. Noon time is time to stop and go eat w your family . Then again , u take a nap when off work at 1700. 2000 is a good x to start calling other assholes " hey , what r we doing tonight ?". Coffee shop until 2200, arguing were to eat or what to do?
Dinner at 2200 or so , after dinner drink maybe ( if u don't have kids or looking to get laid !), and in bed by 0200. That was life and still is for us back home ???

@phxbillcee Door stop? Umbrella stand? Sunday dinner?
It's yours now. I've hopped on.


@Livinlife Posted that earlier today, but thanks!

@Livinlife That's why I stated that I'd stop making fun!

@phxbillcee great minds again i guess!

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