I used to love Halloween. Here in my town the fundamentalists want it to be a church affair. They have kids going from trunk to trunk at the church, calling it "trunk or treat." As a result I rarely see the neighborhood kids showing up at my front door, no matter how much I decorate.
Despite the spelling there is no fun in fundamentalism.
At first I thought you meant the "trunk" of a vehicle. That might be fun
@Doraz When I was a child, it was release the children to roam in the neighborhood for treats until about 8 p.m. when people stopped answering the door. The children took the grand tour of entire subdivision parent free.
Eleven years old and parent free after the sun goes down -- it won't fly now.
@Doraz, @MissKathleen Ok. But no dead bodies in the trunk, right?
@Doraz It maybe difficult to note that until the middle of the 20th century, it was okay to let children roam free with NO supervision. In Mark Twain's novel Tom Sawyer, Tom would leave the house ALL DAY and only return for the evening meal. This was normal. Children would roam twenty miles away from home, ten miles if they didn't have a bicycle.
Today, parents are often frightened to let their kid wander more than a city block away from the house.
@Rudy1962 That's exactly what it is.. people fix up their trunks in their vehicles and hand out candy as designated areas. My grandson went to the library last year and he got a bunch of stuff.. not just candy either.
Love Halloween.
I decorate the HELL out of my house.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.