13 12

Can't say that I have...

Tomfoolery33 9 Mar 6
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Where's the carrot?


The more I hear about people the better I like my cats! ?

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 6, 2019

I think it's a toss up wether or not that is a piece of lettuce or a piece of cabbage.


Oh my gawd, that has to be photo shopped.....LOL


can't say i have


Needless to say (cause I'm on this site) that I;m not Jewish but maybe he was on his to the temple and realized he forgot his yamaka?

Looks like a female, I know women (used to?) need to have a head covering in many religions.

@phxbillcee could be but might be a guy too . . either way seems God has way to much time on his hands of head coverings are important


Pretty sure it's a Babe Ruth thing...

What's that?

@tnorman1236 one of the trivia questions at our recent yearly trivia fundraiser gala (team name: "The Blank Stares"; team motto: "We don't suck!" ): something like, true or false, such-and-such MLB player used to keep cool by wearing cabbage leaves under his hat. It was true.


no but this explains a lot


Errr....cabbage head? Maybe she was a cabbage patch kid?


Why not?? She’s starting a new trend ??

Lllewis Level 7 Mar 6, 2019

I wonder if her head hurts. I was listening to two mother's talk about using cabbage leaves on their breasts to ease the pain when stopping breastfeeding. This conversation took place at an office in a break room about one year ago. WTF

JGal Level 7 Mar 6, 2019

My first thought


One lop sided salad, coming up.


Not yet, but the day is still young...

scurry Level 9 Mar 6, 2019
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