@Insectra Yes! OMG.
(Am I weird or is this just a geek/nerd thing?).
The first time I saw a ground hog with babies on our stone walls (where I grew up) I had the binoculars out.
I also remember being with my parents and sitting in the car for 1/2 an hour to watch a porcupine walk around.
Also Owls, Bald Eagles.... we used to stop at a Fish Hatchery to feed the fish. (It was about 5 cents to get a handful of fish pellets for them).
I wonder how many of us routinely carry binoculars in our cars "just in case?".
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.