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Something I posted on FB 5 years ago

glennlab 10 Mar 11
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Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 11, 2019

[] [] are examples of real scientific consoliddators with actual links to the research cited and have been review by others in their field. Both the sources you cited are considered to be trash news at best.


The "Pro-Life" movement kills me with their hypocrisy. For the most part, the "Pro-Life" movement is made up of the same group that also opposes advanced genetic research (which includes stem cell research) that would cure many diseases, some of which are the very reason why an elective abortion may sought. Granted, these cases are a small minority of the reasons for abortion, but it's just a striking absurdity that "they" oppose these very important and life SAVING research projects.

Rignor Level 7 Mar 11, 2019

But they won't have any problem saving a love one with technology we already have in place. From the same principles Thomas researches they fight against.


Was reading,the World is shaping up for a 15 YEARS cold cycle,beginning soon,will there be people marching around protesting Global Cooling?


Mike1947 Level 7 Mar 11, 2019

Considering that the Daily Express is held in less reguard than the Nation Enquirer and routinely published things they know to be false, Unless their story was corroberated by other reputable scientific publications (peer reviewed) I wouldn't put a nickles worth trust in it.

A team of experts. Possibly led by David Icke.

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