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The easy availability of Little People Porn and Simpsons Hentai has me like......edited for political correctness.

EricTrommater 9 Mar 9
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Hey guys, @EricTrommater, @phxbillcee, @Blindbird am I being overly sensitive when I tell you that using the word midget is a bit offensive? Even if I am, do you think you might change it to little people or L.P. instead? I know generally we aren't very PC here but... please think about it? Thanks

BeeHappy Level 9 Mar 9, 2018

You are entirely correct. Sorry.

Of course, using the term LP porn sounds like screwing my old album collection! & even I'm not THAT small!

@phxbillcee the real meaning of "get your rocks off"?

Okay I will give you this one.If you screw with my Simpsons Hentai Porn....I will.totally lose it!

@EricTrommater 😛

@phxbillcee Yes shortening it to LP is going to confuse us older folk. Also shortening....?

@RavenCT Shortening = "country lube"!


Welcome to the 21st century where strangers far from one another bond over niche porn.

...and liberal ideologies.

Wait, midget porn, Simpson hentai & now niche porn? I've never seen niche's do it. Maybe aunts or MILF's, but not niches!!!

@phxbillcee it's a bit like dog whistles... You probably haven't heard them. I sense a theme going throughout our memes today.

@EricTrommater it's the national midget shortage. Making us all a lil' crazy.

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