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R-rated Bible story

altschmerz 9 May 23
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I am sure God would also kill any male for letting a female on top. Horrors!

JackPedigo Level 9 May 24, 2019

It's not about masturbation. It's about not fulfilling your legal obligation to produce offspring for your dead brother.

Genesis 38:8,9.

brentan Level 8 May 24, 2019

I understand the biblical concept, but organized religion has bastardized the concept to demonize self-pleasuring, thus contributing who knows what to societal weirdness.


you won't see that in the anti-abortion laws in Tali-bama


So why is it that male masturbation ends in death, according to the bible, but female masturbation ends in orgasm, usually, according to women?

@altschmerz 'plotholes' 🤣

@MojoDave Great word. I'm stealing it.


Selective teaching in those brainwashing prisons they called Sunday school.


They taught that at my church, to warn you of the evils of masterbaiting and to show the difference in the old testiment god and the new testiment god.

glennlab Level 10 May 23, 2019

@altschmerz and you expect a church to be logical?

I'm not familiar with the part where the new testament god says its okay for men to masturbate.

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