6 13

Cocktail party is at 6:56PM. Thank me later for reminding you.

yaway 6 May 30
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LMAO funny

bobwjr Level 10 May 30, 2019

I think Christians made a bad play by suggesting an "existance" of hell...

  • it does imply you will live forever...which is better than any implication of the nothingness of returning to dust and ash.

-It does seem that even at our worst "suffering" experiences...that they were tolerable...I mean...what is eternal "damnation" anyway....people punishing you endlessly for no reason? It seems that we've all lived through what seemed like an eternity of punishment...

I recall being drunk for several days. Being sick -throwing up for many days. Being depressed for weeks/months on end....

I guess it's like being suicidal only you can't kill yourself?

You're stuck with dealing with the worst cold and depression for a long, long time?

...yep...bad idea.

Robecology Level 9 May 30, 2019

I would go, because I would love to see y’all, but i think i would find it hard to locate a nonexistent place.


shots of fireball all round!


Well, given I don't believe in satan or hell, and I've pretty much quit drinking, I'm not attending.

KKGator Level 9 May 30, 2019

Time to par taaaay!

Rudy1962 Level 9 May 30, 2019
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