4 10

Yeah, this is one trend I don’t get. No one looks good with this.

Tinocca 7 July 5
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Man-o-war sunbathing...

Robecology Level 9 July 5, 2019

Bullshit man bun and Speedos, the two worst fashion choices in the History of mankind .

GEGR Level 7 July 5, 2019

I resemble that remark!

Seriously; speedo's are a small bathing suit for those of us who love swimming. It's sad that some men have let their physique slip as they age....but the speedo is often a mental encouragement to get in the water and swim, more than a "fashion statement" - for me, at least.

I will donning my "speedo" and doing my 40 laps soon...hopefully no one will be "at the pool"...but if they're there...I hope they don't have your attitude...


The only time I saw one that made sense was a guy cooking to keep the hair from burning. Nothing spoils a BBQ like burning hair smell.

glennlab Level 10 July 5, 2019

Then he wasn’t doing it as a fashion statement. That’s a food safety decision. Good call.


I agree. Wear the man bun and crocks and you will never have to worry about catching an STD.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 5, 2019
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