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It is the difference between defamation and definition...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Sep 15
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Oh boy. Not that I completely disagree, but not all religious people are idiots, many are simply uninformed; many more, brainwashed.

scurry Level 9 Sep 15, 2019

If a person believes what they are told to believe even when faced with reality pointing out how wrong they are then I think a case can be made for idiocy.... The part I find funny is how some people who are able to function without impairment in most ways will ask their kids "If your friends told you to jump off a bridge would you do that too?..." while saying that some preacher told them to hate other people for having different color skin or religious beliefs (or lack them), or happen to be Gay are bad and should be put in prison or murdered because "the bible says so..."

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Good point.

@scurry Making a point is far better than wearing one on your head.... Funny isn't it how much KKK hoods look like a dunce cap that has eye holes in it....

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