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So Jimmy Bakker is back on the hustle for Jesus and selling all kinds of survivalist food crap but this one made me laugh out loud. Look at the full name of the item he's selling

bookofmorons 9 Sep 20
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It’s the Jim & Tammy Faye Traveling Vaudeville Show... Jim pushes the snake oil while Tammy Faye performs with makeup covering her entire face.

TheKranium Level 6 Sep 21, 2019

Delusional con man

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 20, 2019

Preaching to his Porn addicted audience .

GEGR Level 7 Sep 20, 2019

He’s much the worse for wear after federal prison. He and Pat Robertson are on Cryptkeeper status. Ugh.


Hm. Now he is helping out those evil, loose, openly sexual people instead of criticizing them? (And how legally dangerous is it to claim something “kills” or completely cures any medical condition.)

it kills the host.

@glennlab oh, geez. I should have seen that. I was taking it seriously!

@EyesThatSmile I was being serious too, silver solutions have been sold since medivial times to "cure" whatever ails you, you normally start feeling better, because it numbs the pain centers in the brain and poisons the liver, you are feeling great then just drop dead from organ failure. Hence, it kills the host. no host, no disease. lol


This is even funnier than Tammy Sue's makeup. Surely this isn't for real either.

He really is pedaling this poison, based on the recommendations, it should take a bout 5 years before people start having liver failure. Darwin principle at work.


Once again silver in suspension raises its ugly head. This is not just wrong, it is poison. Silver eventually shuts down the liver. The reason people feel better is that it is destroying their immune system by making it numb. He should be prosecuted. Again.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 20, 2019

He's been back for a while.
Crooked snake-oil salesman that he is.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 20, 2019

I mean seriously who sells an STD "Starter Kit" and if they need one they may have deeper issues

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