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I hate spiders!

scurry 9 Nov 7
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Dot's not a spider.

brentan Level 8 Nov 7, 2019

I'm a science teacher...and it took a country-boy student to take the fear of spiders out of me....

We have lots of huge "Golden Orb" spiders around here in Florida...but this kid just grabbed one in the bushes...and showed the class how "tame" they were.

He explained - to all of us - that most spiders will bite..but only if "trapped" or "compressed" - if they get down your shirt...they bite. If you squash them in your hands...they bite...but ordinarily they're quite complacent....and their main diet is insects like flies and mosquitoes!

Watch this video...

Pretty spider.

@EyesThatSmile The key to avoiding bites...even from the Black to not compress or confine them. They use the bite for defense - they're not nearly as aggressive as wasps, biting flies, and bees.

Yes; you can get a bite from almost all spiders..but only if you try to compress or confine them.

Google "Black widow walked on my hand video"


Legless spiders . . . . as useless as a short piece of string.


Right there with ya!!!


I don't mind them.
They eat bugs I don't like.

KKGator Level 9 Nov 7, 2019

Dang! She loves me not! 😛

...are you a spider??

@scurry No, I just plucked the legs from the spider the way people pluck petals from a flower: "She loves me, she loves me not ...."

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