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I’ve seen a building meme in social media criticising boomers.
It confused me for a while but I’m getting it.
Some of it is rubbish, like destroying housing affordability and government services. Our conservative governments don’t need a hand doing that.
Some of it is true. We are opinionated, sometimes more widely read and have few filters on what we say. We have lost social inhibitions and and most shame. We are vocal.
It’s something that I repeat to myself and thi think about most days. 🙂

Grahame 6 Nov 14
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Just jealous because we are so awesome

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 14, 2019

If you mean the, “okay, boomer,” memes, I think it’s modern pushback to the age old practice of older people judging the younger. I remember when I was a teenager, my grandmother would express disgust at “kids nowadays with their sex, drugs and rock and roll.” It wasn’t that way in my day! she’d say. But when she reminisced about meeting grandpa, it was stories about drug store cowboys, gin joints and hot jazz.


Don't look at me I have been a progressive and environmentalist my entire life....

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