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cold weather makes me think if bears....but they're probably hibernating...😁

KittensandSage 6 Dec 19
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And lions and tigers too!!

oh my 🙂!


Although I go tent camping where they average one bear for every two acres, they stay away from me. I credit taking a motor mouth hiking companion(s) and a bear bell.

The difference between black bear scat and grizzly bear, is that grizzly scat has bells in it😉

@Haemish1 For most of the lower 48, there are no grizzly bears. The first thing California settlers did was kill all the grizzlies and put a grizzly on their state flag.

There’s roughly 800 grizzlies in Montana - 4 hunters were attacked here last September.

@Haemish1 That's why I said (scroll up time) "For most of the lower 48 . . . "

Somebody has to live next to the Canadian border. 🤫🙃

We know y’all can’t be like Montana

@Haemish1 What is it there, two people for every square mile? The grizzles might outvote the Democratic party. 😉

The grizzlies vote with the democrats 😂

@Haemish1 Never know. They might eat the poll workers.

@WonderWartHog99 That is an awesome sign...

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