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So a 5 time draft dodger orders the illegal assassination of a foreign political figure without any cause other than to start a war to distract people from his criminal actions and incompetence.... Do his ignorant and bigoted followers volunteer for service?.... crickets

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Jan 4
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Trump did the right thing taking the opportunity to have a terrorist killed.

Keep your eye out because it has already made a big fucked up mess even worse of one than the other bullshit he pulled after he took office... This made Iran even closer to Putin which was the sole goal of Trump's attack... Iran hasn't committed a terrorist act against the US for decades before Trump took office... That would have been during the Carter administration... The largest supporters of anti-American terrorism in the Middle East in order are Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Israel.... Yet according to conservatives from both parties these are out "friends...."

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I personally never thought that Iran was "friendly" to the United States. I hope that we don't go to all out war with Iran. If I learned anything from the Iraqi war is that there is a potential for unintended consequences.

@RobertMartin Fucking idiot is just making things worse to try and distract people of his criminal behaviour.... He is leaving a mess already that will take decades to fix just to catch up to where we were before the shithead took office...
No Iran was not friendly but the tension had been eased to a significant degree until that bitch Clinton committed election fraud and put the Orange monkey in the Whitehouse and the GOP in charge of both houses...


So Soleimani has killed hundreds ?. A mere amateur compared to Bush jr. He killed hundreds of thousands and it seems that Trump doesn't want to left behind.

Moravian Level 8 Jan 5, 2020

Apparently, Trump put the guy on his Official List of Killable Terrorists so everything's legit.

brentan Level 8 Jan 4, 2020

No it isn't.... It is a violation of International law, the rules of engagement, and a previous executive order banning the murder of foreign political figures... That executive order was never stricken down either...

So much for sarcasm!

@brentan Sarcasm is difficult to express in text without some kind of designator for it... Too many people actually believe what you posted...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yes, I realise that. I hoped people might get to know me after a while.

@Psilovybin I don't go along with these personal attacks where everybody thinks they're a professional psychiatrist. Just argue your case in a decent way.

@Psilovybin The real question here is why are you defending a guy who supports terrorism in the US?... Your idiocy in your attacks on others knows no bounds... Iran hasn't committed a terrorist act against the US for decades and does wage war against the Saudis who have committed many terrorist acts against us and receives full support from Trump... Idiots like you create terrorists in the middle east as well as supporting home grown domestic terrorists here at home...

@Psilovybin Actually it is only a few who support Trump who is a terrorist...

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