9 10

In which Blindbird makes the dudes on here super uncomfortable.

OpposingOpposum 9 Mar 28
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According to the Buy-Bull, all of that is Gawd's punishment for Eve's ... um ... [gullibility?] disobedience by eating the forbidden fruit and forcing Adam to eat it, too!! Because of what she did, all of her [female] descendants - FOREVER - have to endure this. Gotta luv such a loving Gawd

As with most religious stuff you can chalk that up to mans profound ignorance.


R U OK? 😛


And then when your periods are done you must deal with hot's just not fair.

But it's fabulous when it's all over - freedom!

@GoldenDoll I'll try to keep that in mind between hot flashes, lol


Last one is my fave.

Escott Level 4 Mar 29, 2018

All legit.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 28, 2018

This is God's Intelligent design!

Galihad_Z Level 7 Mar 28, 2018

Yes indeed. Intelligent? Designed by a substandard engineer, running a waste elimination system right through a recreation center. (Paraphrasing Hitch)

I’m not too sure who said it first but you’re right. I do recall both stating the same.



So lucky I'm not an alcoholic. Also wish I'd had these! lol

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 28, 2018



Now #1 is just females anyway (almost said period!!!), so doesn't necessarily fit with the rest. As the Orthodox Jews pray every day, "Thak you God for not making me a woman!" (True fact!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 28, 2018

Oh puh-lease. "Women are so emotional" say people who punch each other over body parts and cry over dudes playing with their balls in funny clothes.

@Blindbird Never said women were emotional. I believe that's a ploy & you are all cold-hearted, cold-blooded reptile aliens sent here to conquer the earth. At least, that's one theory!!!

@Blindbird lmao.


All of the above

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 28, 2018

You have periods, too! You obviously need a new photo!!!

@phxbillcee well. Bleeding hemhroids, but pretty much the same thing

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