I like this idea so much that I'm going to modify it, with Cadet Bonespurs. And maybe another with Rush "anal cyst" Limbo too, since that's how he avoided Vietnam.
This is one of the memes created by right-wingers to glorify war and shame those of us who don't support war. The meme is designed to seem funny so it will be proliferated.
Imagine if the first frame showed a young trump in his cadet costume, and the caption referred to bone spurs instead of a stubbed toe.
The pro-war faction in this country is very influential. Families exhibit pride for simply having a relative who served in the military. This meme is designed to silence all dissent and shame anyone who is anti-war. Oh, and denigrate people of color too.
@altschmerz it says that now but it didn't say that when I looked before. Even as satire, it's not funny.
Why choose a black man in the first pick? He's obviously on vacation by the lake. I'm surprised he can afford a vacation with the economy as bad as it is, job growth in the bottom sector only paying such poor wages with no benefits. It's a good thing he only stubbed his toe because some other serious injury might lead to the loss of everything he's worked hard for.
Just because you respect dead heroes does not mean you no longer feel pain when stubbing a toe. The dead are dead. They don't need us anymore, but I would show sympathy for the man who stubbed his toe, and let him lean on me while limping to his car. I might even drive him to the doctor if he thinks he broke a toe bone. That does not disrespect dead heroes. We can respect the dead and the living at the same time. What that soldier says is disrespectful to the living for whom the dead soldiers died.
I have seen several similar "memes" over the years and they still make me feel a bit sick. When did invading other countries and having some of your young men killed have anything to do with freedom. Remember the heady days of the summer of love when ordinary young people objected to the body bags coming back from south east Asia and demonstrated against the wars.
Now that a soldier in a bunker in New Mexico can murder people in Iraq by remote control there much less danger of harm , apart from to the mental health of the drone operator of course.
I don't get it.
What's your point?
@altschmerz Gotcha. Thanks for answering me.
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