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So I went to the store again and notice the stupid seems to be increasing exponentially... Seriously what good is a ski mask going to do unless you are robbing the store?

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Mar 14
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Probably a republican 😂😱😂😱


You can beat up someone else and take his toilet paper, and nobody will know who did it.

BD66 Level 8 Mar 14, 2020

Until the security cameras in the parking lot record what car you drove off in...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz unmarked car 🙂

@BD66 Make model and year narrows it down and if you remove the plates you won't make it far....


Too many security cameras for a good strong-arm robbery nowdays. Lucky for me I have 42 rolls for toilet paper from Sams club.

@BD66 I get mine at smart and final... No club card or fees and the prices are lower. I buy in bulk as well because it reduces costs and have been doing it that way for years. I shop the sales prices and stock up so I don't have to go all the time except to pick up perishables like milk, lettuce, etc... Last time I bought boneless skinless chicken breasts I paid 1.47 a pound for them...

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