4 7

"But then, you see, you CAN quarantine stupid... They are the ones staying home, instead of exercising their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

This is the argument I often hear. Then, they have NO right to deprive me of MY right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by infecting me. There are selfish people around. 😟😟😟

Jetty 7 Apr 6
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Correct but you can jail it

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 6, 2020

Stay home.. Let the stupid go out...


True, stupid people will leave their homes and spread the virus, killing many others. STAY HOME!


This is a good experiment....Hypothesis; Will this occur?

The ignorant are significantly more likely to gather and share this terrible infection, the wiser are significantly more wiser to avoid hopefully - if "survival of the fittest" implies the smartest...the wiser amongst us will thrive...the ignorant/#religulous who gather despite ignoring the warnings...will perish.

It makes scientific/agnostic sense. Let's see if it works.

Carry on, #religulous!

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