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The headlines.....

Freespirit64 8 Apr 8
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I wouldn’t go into that water...yuck


The Chinese went through a very controversial "One child per family" policy from 1980 until just recently. It did ease some growth. - but they - and we - still suffer from out-of-control population growth.


It was my major in Grad school...and i taught a large/long unit about it in HS for decades.

The basic facts;
We're growing by 150 more births, than deaths per minute.
220,000 more per day.
1,000,000 every 5 days.


Yet most nations applaud and reward "growth" with tax incentives for larger families.

But more people means more easily transmitted diseases.

This COVID thing is the tip of the iceberg.

If we don't act now - the next Pandemic will make this one look like a walk in the park.

Al Gore tried to warn us 14 years ago.

Al Gore warned us about a lot of things.

@Freespirit64 I think I still have his CD...I think it's one of the few (if indeed the only one) I loaned out...and never got back - so I just kept buying and sharing...


Phew it's now safe to take your precious feline swimming at the beach.

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