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These places really exist on Google maps

Babyoda 8 Apr 8
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I lived in Indiana for 20 years. It’s strange because North Vernon is in the south, South Bend is in the north, and French Lick isn’t anything like I’d hoped it would be.


You can go to Hell in Michigan.

Kynlei Level 8 Apr 8, 2020

Don’t forget Climax NC

BudFrank Level 8 Apr 8, 2020

Near you????

@EyesThatSmile not near enough. 1 hour 15 minutes. I’m sure there are some good jokes that can be made of that too

@BudFrank too many to mention!🤣🤣🤣

1 take me along routes that have Superchargers...



Long road trip to be holding it in.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 8, 2020

Pee Pee Island is pretty close to Come By Chance (real Place)

@actofdog Gong to Dildo for wedding next year - can't wait!!


If you had to travel from Pee Pee Point to Pee Pee Creek to have a pee pee that would be uncomfortable

Moravian Level 8 Apr 8, 2020

unless you had a bladder the size of a sperm whale's.

@AtheistInNC Sperm Whales have large bladders?? Or do they just let it flow through...?
Dammit! Now I have to Google "Sperm Whale Bladder".

Some very interesting info.
Whales & Dolphins try to extract as much fresh water out of their urine as possible, so it's very concentrated. ... There's a lot more going on there than I expected.


Our family cottage is (somewhat) near Crotch Lake.

scurry Level 9 Apr 8, 2020

@actofdog it's crazy beautiful up in that area. Lots of lakes to choose from. Even the drive up is relaxing.

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