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Is that why?

Livinlife 9 Apr 3
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I had not seen this one before 😀 , it is great, thank you.

Sadanty Level 5 Apr 4, 2018

Youre welcome!


Well put!

wordywalt Level 9 Apr 4, 2018

One of my favorite sayings goes something like this, "I would rather keep my mouth closed and have people think me stupid, than open it and remove all doubt."

Condor5 Level 8 Apr 3, 2018

Lol. I bite my tongue frequently

@Livinlife I must admit, it is a practice I try to follow, though not always successfully.

Ben Franklin. What a boss.

@Markus that was Franklin? I did not know that. Yeah, Franklin was cool.

I think it goes something like
“Better to remain silent and thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”. He also said “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy”. I read that he was a deist, like Jefferson, and not a theist. Both lived pre-Darwin. Out of all the founders, I’ve heard that he was likely the one who could even be considered to be an atheist. I could be wrong though and there is probably a historian here that knows better.

@Markus, well, from all I've heard, he was quite the hedonist.




Yes 100% lol


Great theory


Dig this.

Digitalis Level 4 Apr 3, 2018

Makes as much sense as anything else.

onthefire Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

And all this time I thought people were dark until light refracted and exposed them.

azzow2 Level 9 Apr 3, 2018

But then they speak... lol


good one.


That and Dunning-Kruger....

Should I say I had to look that up? Lmao


@Livinlife Might as well. I had to. 😉

@phxbillcee interesting! Thank you!

@KKGator @Livinlife in short:

@EricTrommater Which is exactly what I took from the definition Google provided.

@KKGator ?

@EricTrommater I feel better now, lol

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