That sounds like Drive-In humor.
I wonder how many of us actually experienced Drive ins? Last show I saw at one was "Blade Runner" (original).
There is actually a functioning one about 30 minutes from my house.
I went to a Drive In outside Detroit, Michigan as late as 2002. Minority Report was the movie.
@EricTrommater This one is in Mansfield, CT - []
It's not like New England is a year round Drive in Place. lol
Also with some of the really small cars out now - I don't even know how that works? (No kids in the back I guess). lol
We had o e here until the mid nineties. Fun as a kid.
@EricTrommater I was probably at the,same one around 2000 with my kids on a school movie night. Dearborn.
@Livinlife yup!
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