Shame, pay attention, Eric, you of all people! It's been only a day since the last posting of this!!! I forgive you, I know you're busy, like trying to work & meme at the same time & all!
Oh contraire, that one was about personalities... She said something about creating a personality just for him. This one is about penis size totally different!
@EricTrommater Oh, contraire, right back atcha, Flowerchild's post of 4/8, same exact thing. Yes, the one you mention was posted, but it was even a different picture!!! Oh, Eric, I know this group almost as well as you do, & even better sometimes!
@phxbillcee I stand corrected! Ironically yesterday was my day off and I still missed that one.
@EricTrommater Feeling any better today Eric?
@RavenCT yeah it was just the flu... I had a flu shot earlier this year so I thought I was immune. I was wrong I was so so wrong.
@EricTrommater I go through the "library" & ones still seem to sneak by! Even in between stuff I'm posting! Ah, can't bitch too much, it's a free site & I'm glad for it!
@RavenCT Gee, you don't ask me! (sob)
@phxbillcee You had the Flu yesterday too?? How are you today?
@RavenCT No, I felt fine, I just like the attention!
@phxbillcee "How you doin'?"
@RavenCT Just peachy (LOL) how 'bout you? (I feel much better now!)
@phxbillcee Well I got my bills paid - having fuel delivered tomorrow so I'll have heat and hot water again.... and seeing my GP tomorrow (We're gonna have a "Come to Jesus" moment without the religious drama.
So a little stressed?
Oh and I get to bleed the lines from my fuel oil tank tomorrow - yay!
@RavenCT Was the delay in fuel due to $$? Not my business if you don't wish to answer. Anyhow, glad it will work out. A shower will help immensely! Need someone to get your back???
@phxbillcee Yup ran out of subsidized fuel. Had to ask my siblings for help again - absolutely breaks the spirit.
Disability isn't for the weak of heart.
How did I discover the heat was off? In the damn bathtub. OMG? Half warm - half the coldest well water in the world.
@RavenCT Yeah, I do showers, but it would have still been a very rude awakening! & I know exactly what you mean. I'm on disability, also, &sometimes the stretch is tough! (Still didn't answer about getting your back?!? LOL)
@phxbillcee Well now that you mention it?
@RavenCT Reporting for duty!
@phxbillcee Also the baths are a new thing try to relax my neck muscles which are always in spasm. My Dr better be listening tomorrow or he's gonna get pasted!
Also at 5ft 8in it's pretty funny what I have to do with my legs.... rofl Not posting a pic!
@RavenCT Dang! You anticipated me!
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