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Zuckerberg!......the third one is long but has a payoff!

EricTrommater 9 Apr 12
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That payoff. Damn. I can never look into my bowl of Honey Nut Cheerio’s with that same sense of innocence again.

Markus Level 7 Apr 13, 2018

We'll be having fun with him for quite awhile!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 12, 2018

He's a short Dude - maybe I should be nicer?

@RavenCT That never stopped you with me!

@phxbillcee Well you aren't sitting in a booster seat for the entire world to see either! lol

My brother is about 5" 7' it was the funniest thing when he had a LP boss. He was all "I walked into the office and he was picking up a pen off the floor and I didn't know he was there.". (Behind the desk). Gave him some great perspective.

Also I have a theory about "Short Man Syndrome". Kind of a Napoleon thing,
I had a Science teacher in Jr High that had the largest chip on his shoulder? It was awful. And I was taller than him. Sigh. Ridiculous - as if height equals intelligence or power? (Ok we haven't had a short president ever but that's not a job I'd want anyone i care about to have). lol

Rant over I think?

@RavenCT One, Napoleon was about 5'7", a bit tall for the time. The "short" jibe was English propaganda. & there were a few short presidents, tho, admittedly, most were on the tall side...

@phxbillcee Well you would have researched this more than I have.

Average male height in America is??

@phxbillcee 5ft 10 in.... (White men).

Hard for me to believe having come from a very French hometown. (A lot of those dudes I knew how they parted their hair from above).

Also all current (well my time anyway) presidents were above the average height of today.... so.

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