2 15

Woohoo!!! Lol

MichelleGar1 9 Mar 10
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I call up and get mine delivered.
Oh, Cannada...
(why is there no weed emoji?)

scurry Level 9 Mar 11, 2021

@scurry You're so lucky! I'm jealous of everyone living where they can get recreational weed!

@MichelleGar1 i have used several businesses, some in Vancouver, but my current is local.
Free delivery too. 🙂

@scurry Nice! I'm jealous!


@Lizard_of_Ahaz DAMN!!!!

@MichelleGar1 You can legally grow up to six mature plants like this that produce about 24 ozs each at a time here in California... Anyone who can smoke that much weed before that 8 weeks before the next indoor harvest has my respect....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I live in bumfuck Texas! It's still illegal here! I'm jealous!

@MichelleGar1 We are weed friendly in this state you can get it for either medical or personal use but the prices are still up there and if you had a legal outlet buying your excess you could make an extremely comfortable living as a grower.
Say you were making about 200.00 an ounce profit at 24 ozs per plant that would be 4800.00 a plant times six is $28,800 then divide that by 2 and you get an income of $14,400 a month. Even if you only produce one crop a quarter that is still far more than most people make each month...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz's so easy to grow!

@LucyLoohoo Unless you are a university professor in Georgia being paid by the federal government producing it for "medical studies" which he was only able to produce a couple pounds a year while the government grant was 125K a year...

It's now legal in AZ, but there is a significant difference in the tax rate between medical & recreational.

@phxbillcee I guess I'm driving to AZ for some recreational weed! Or I can still get it illegally here and it takes time to get it!

@phxbillcee Same here if you are buying it for medical reasons you are tax exempt but personal use you have the 8% regular sales tax plus a few cents extra they add on for the schools in the district it is sold in...

@MichelleGar1 If you do come here, you sure as shit better let me know! I'll travel to say Hi! & have a drink w/ you! You know that!

@phxbillcee I definitely will!!! YAY!!!! I need to get my Mom some edibles, she's going through chemo and it helps her with the nausea. She gave me her vape and I just reorder when I need more.

@MichelleGar1 This is where I shop...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Nice! I'm sure they won't send to Texas! 😢

@MichelleGar1 No and unfortunately most states are requiring people to have an ID card for that state to buy. Too many people from states like Texas going out of state to buy then driving home high so they ruined it for everyone. But if you know someone in that state they can usually buy for you but shipping can be very iffy...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz That's why I'll drive somewhere close like Arizona or Colorado.

@MichelleGar1 Colorado was one of the states that Texans were going to and causing a lot of problems they might still be stopping vehicles with Texas plates there likely you would be better off trying in Arizona...

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