7 5

Makes sense! Lol

MichelleGar1 9 May 30
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Just nuts

bobwjr Level 10 May 31, 2021

Took me a wee while to work it out very clever.

Budgie Level 8 May 31, 2021

Yeah ok .
Like Jesus was bigger than hiv 20 yrs ago .
I had many patients in texas , Florida and Virginia the last 10 yrs with full AIDS . Unacceptable at this time and age . Medicine for hiv works . If u take it !
All of the cases I recall were of church goers , not very bright or educated patients who said their pastor told them to stop taking the drugs and god will heal their hiv .
By the time they come to ED , crawling and weak , and with secondary infections , I can assure u , no f Jesus around ? Where is Jesus when they need him ?

Pralina1 Level 9 May 31, 2021

Just tell them "I bet he told you to give the money for your medicine to him didn't he?"

@Pralina1 It's sad that they believe these stupid people and follow stupid beliefs! Like they say natural selection at it's finest!


Dead Stars....


It is a nadir of poor parenting to use a child who cannot understand the message they carry, as a political placard for your own twisted beliefs.

@LenHazell53 Very true!


A whole bunch of things are "bigger" than a virus, so what? Also, doesn't god supposedly help those who help themselves? & wouldn't that mean taking advantage of a vaccine, as we do w/ the polio, smallpox, etc vaccines?

phxbillcee Level 10 May 30, 2021

@phxbillcee Only makes sense but these idiot's believe their favorite orange turd and their stupid pastor who worship's the stupid orange turd.

All things sick and cancerous,
All evil great and small,
All things foul and dangerous,
The Lord God made them all.

All things scabbed and ulcerous,
All pox both great and small,
Putrid, foul and gangrenous,
The Lord God made them all.

M. Python


Smiling liars for Jesus. Just lobotomize them.

racocn8 Level 9 May 30, 2021

@racocn8 They're already lobotomized by the stupid beliefs they have. Lol

@MichelleGar1 Took the words right out of my mouth (or keyboard!)

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