When I was managing a Youth club in the 1980s we had one of these donated as a club pet.
We took in turns to walk it, and feed it, however it used to poop about once a month and stink the whole place out, getting some one to clean that up was the hardest part of the job..
I wonder why it was donated?
This is amazing
@FrayedBear It had belonged to a local elderly lady and it outlived her. Her family did not want it so gave it to the local museum where we were based. The Museum had a small menagerie as a permanent exhibit that was mainly tropical fish and birds and asked us if we wanted to make the Lizard a project for the kids, so we took it.
Poor thing did not even have a name (that had died with the previous owner) so the kids named it Barney.
@LenHazell53 Did it live long?
@FrayedBear It was still alive when I left after about five years, to take charge of a youth community music project in Middlesbrough.
@LenHazell53 good for it & the club members. Komodas can live 30 years, monitors 15 - 40 years. Your clubs could be still alive. Can you check?
These are bigger:
That they are, but a Komodo's bite is not something to be trifled with...
@phxbillcee I thought that was the purpose - rug rat extermination!
The only time I ever recall seeing Steve Irwin utterly terrified was running away from one of these dragons.
@LenHazell53 Probably got a whiff of the breath. Mind you suicide by komoda is more to be feared than suicide by stingray!
Likely the last time she will "trust his judgement"!
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.