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I believe Robert is right

glennlab 10 Oct 3
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These are segments of the economy that, at least right now, are important to the economy. The problem with trusting them is that they don't work on behalf of us, Joe Public. They work for their own shareholders. Time and again we have seen stock market trends fly in stark contrast to economic reality of mainstreet America. I trust them no more than Mark Zuckerberg.


Robert often is right. Both Reich and Paul Krugman are voices that make a lot of sense on economic matters.

both of them have been my son's heroes, he's also an economist.


The better sign should be the contents of the bill, said contents being appropriate expenditures for the nation. If people have objections to the provisions, let them give concise, specific and honest objections for people to judge. At the same time, remember that the behavior of the disloyal opposition favors division and fascist oppression.

racocn8 Level 9 Oct 4, 2021

Too bad the contents of massive bills are rarely, if ever, easily, concisely explained. Which means detractors work furiously to mischaracterise them. And how many of us laypersons honestly have the time and familiarity with legislative language to accurately parse the contents? That is why endorsements from experts we trust matter. Yes they are a substitue, but they are accessible in a way the legislation is not.


I believe it, too.

KateOahu Level 8 Oct 4, 2021
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