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I’m an atheist..

Killtheskyfairy 9 Dec 7
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SC is a misogynist, unless he says ovaries are balls.

yvilletom Level 8 Dec 8, 2021

Unfortunately men use balls instead of the non sexual guts. I always use guts because pussy, ovaries or vagina don’t translate well…


Atheists don't speculate about Colbert's absence or otherwise of genitalia in determining that religious belief is ludicrous.

No theist knows that there are gods and must therefore be lacking.


Over simplification, we are on the same side

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 8, 2021

Not necessarily! I have had agnostics attack me for saying I’m an atheist. How can you be sure there is no god??? Such bullshit sophistry when science and logic says otherwise. I don’t have to prove there is no god, they have to prove there is one.

@Killtheskyfairy I wouldn't

@Killtheskyfairy My son Erick is a atheist


I am technically an agnostic only because you can't prove a God exist or doesn't exist.
I don't believe a God exist so I'm 100% atheist.
However the history of the word agnostic does clearly show that it was created so atheist wouldn't get killed by using the new terminology.
It has been going on so long that stupid atheist actually think there's a huge difference.
There's no agnostic that believes there's a 50/50 chance there might be a God.
If you don't believe in God the honest answer is that you're an atheist.
But some people believe what Christians and other superstitious people say about atheist and reject the word outright, as if being an atheist actually makes you a radical crazy aggressive asshole.
T.H. Huxley was a coward and more than a bit dishonest introducing a low impact name for atheism light in 1869. That was only six years before my grandfather was born. There's no history of agnosticism. It's silly and I refuse to use the word except as a noun for this site.


Just him trying to use hummer, he is also a catholic who is doing that show. I can tell of a couple of the clergy project pastors and at least on of FFRF's Dan Barkers talks on being both an agnostic and atheist. I know I have used it here a few times but I still like to use that I am a philosophical agnostic and practical atheist.

gsiamne Level 8 Dec 7, 2021

Almost cute, but no. That's an attempted joke that relies on stupidity.

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 7, 2021
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