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Killing society meme by meme?

Killtheskyfairy 9 Dec 10
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Got a point

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 10, 2021

From a guy who said he bit Evander Holyfield's ear because he "wanted to kill him" at that moment. I realize winning the heavy weight boxing champ title at the age of 20 is an amazing feat, still it seems to have taken him while to deal with his anger issues.
Social media is not the real problem - teaching critical thinking and at least in America living up to the premise of equality under the law for ALL. Claiming everyone has equal access is NOT the same as having it play out in real life.
I have rejected social media for years and I realize since joining this site there are many others who get the damage it has caused.


This man has changed alot, for the better. He means punching face metaphorcally.

Cuz he’s used to getting punched in the face?


Mike Tyson is a republican. I think he means the most dominant liberal media ever. US media ranks closed to last for truth among the westernized nations. It's why I'm a free and peaceful anarchist.

Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is sceptical of authority and rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. Anarchism calls for the abolition of the state, which it holds to be unnecessary, undesirable, and harmful. As a historically left-wing movement, placed on the farthest left of the political spectrum, it is usually described alongside libertarian Marxism as the libertarian wing of the socialist movement, and has a strong historical association with anti-capitalism and socialism.


From Wiki

Personally don't like labels unless it's I'm kindness, loving and a working optimist. Working and Living with anarchist is like being family with laws creating the greatest entrepreneurship, honesty and peaceful group I've ever met.

I have worked with many Governments . Today Tyranny has crossed the line and it's running at it's worst in modern history. Calling anarchist Political has no evidence of a Strong hold of bad people running a country or military war of what Governments do.. It's an arch of nobody above me or below me is the basic rule. I find anarchist is a healthy balance of opposites. Classic group are
Social anarchism.
Individualist anarchism.
Insurrectionary anarchism.
Green anarchism.

Very rare Religious anarchism it's the highest form of hierarchy misinformation. Communist anarchist both are rare, and the bad boys has some in the group way of thinking.

Anarchist are about true Free market capitalist. Not for corporationism the main source of Tyranny.

@Castlepaloma So then who controls human nature? No one from the beginning of up right tooling using humans has ever been able to control creed, jealousy and fear.


All people are born like Anarchist, who all have the selfish gene and many have the salvery gene, except me and all Anarchist that I know.
The only repeatedly method throughout human history has worked so far. Is against hierarchy like kings, empires and today corporatiomisn. Is the collective consciousness of the people who get soooo... sick and tired of the greatest abuse of human kind from their powers to be. Then people change it positively, not by Religion or Governments or very rarely they do like JFK.

I don't carry any jealous, greed or fear in the sense of always confronting the fear, not running away of possible risk or danger.

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