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Nothing is more aggravating than hearing this bullshit.

mistymoon77 9 May 7
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Just noticed @Lukian made a rebuttal list, too. Let's see if we duplicate...

  1. I'm thinking for you.
  2. It would be nice if he revealed himself to anybody or even everybody!
  3. You're right, I'm a true atheist.
  4. I do. I know not to believe in bullshit.
  5. I wouldn't want your god's morals!
  6. So, that's why he's sending me to hell?
  7. Yes, yes I do! Would you like to join me?
  8. & the wise person says it in their brain!
  9. Ah, a 50-year phase!
  10. Don't believe in him, either!
phxbillcee Level 10 May 7, 2018
  1. I hope your knees hurt and you get a headache for trying
  2. If he opens a raincoat, I'll kick him in the nuts
  3. probably still not
  4. And you don't see the lie in what you be-lie-ve
  5. you are inhuman if you need an imaginary friend to give you morals
  6. good for him, tell for me to go to the back of the line.
  7. That is your concept, not mine, stop projecting
  8. The theist, that's you, has an echo in his empty mind
  9. Was born Atheist, I've been through a demeaning, childish and foolish phase. I'm actually out of the phase you refer to.
  10. and who is fooling you?
Lukian Level 8 May 7, 2018

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